Thursday, June 6, 2019

Your imperfection
Is my idea of perfection.

(c) Omoehi Ehixojie 

Forever A Dreamer

I will forever be that dreamer
Lost in time from another land
Dreaming of stars, rainfall, 
flowers, wildlife, moonlight 
Magical adventures and autumn. 
Making wishes upon dandelions
Waiting to see every sunset
Falling in love with souls
Trying to change the world 
Finding beauty in the 
Imperfection of humanity 
And sacredness of nature.
(c) Omoehi Ehixojie 

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Letter To The Gypsy Girl

I urge you to be a mystery 
Hard to comprehend, too odd to love
A deep thought to ponder over
Too wild to be tamed.
Intimidate others with strangeness
Tease them with curiosity.
Be both tender and savage
Bliss and hurricane.
As you travel through life
I hope you don’t lose 
Yourself in the world of others
Be fierce and unique.
Nothing worthwhile is ever without flaw.
(c) Omoehi Ehixojie 

Monday, June 3, 2019

Infinite Romance

I am in infinite romance with
Simple things, dark adventures and solitude.
I find solace amongst the sacred forest 
I find home in the dark amongst
stars, moonlight and fireflies
I let the wind dance with my hair
And the sun kiss my cheek
I walk barefooted to connect with nature
I find fellowship amongst farm animals 
I speak to trees hoping they listen
I feel so alive when in the wild
They never judge me for my flaws 
They embrace me with open arms
They know my story, they listen 
I never struggle with perfection 
I never try to be someone else
I am loved and appreciated.
(c) Omoehi Ehixojie  

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Dark Horses

I will always root for the quiet, 
shy, redhead, freckled-face, tree lover
chubby fellow, skinny kid, animal lover
awkward folk, gypsy, hippie, special needs
Introverts, empath, old souls, dark horses
Moon-lovers, stargazers and night walkers.
They hold so much story within
And live in a world where 
They are often judged and misunderstood.
I will root for them like any underdog
When they pull a surprise victory, 
believe in their unique abilities 
And stand up to their fears 
I will be their fan rooting for them
When no one believe in them
Or see their uniqueness.
(c) Omoehi Ehixojie 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Lighthouse

I have seen dreams travel far
Felt love wash upon the shores 
The lonely bird sing lullaby 
To keep my loneliness at bay
People change like seasons 
Ship comes and goes in waves
Words fades into gloomy sunset.
But here I am a “lighthouse”
I stand alone in silence 
Not frightened by
Fog, storms and darkness
I keep a lot to myself 
I notice and feel everything 
I shine with a light from within 
To save and serve others.

(c) Omoehi Ehixojie 

Little Things

Appreciate the little things in life they matter
Celebrate people, places & things 
Root for the underdog 
Be patient with the elderly
Cheer for strangers 
Be graceful with animals and plants 
Be empathic with those different from you 
Inspire others to believe and dream
Let rainfall bring you peace 
Flowers bring you laughter 
And moonlight dreams
See magic in all versions of you.
(c) Omoehi Ehixojie 

Hold Moments

Hold moments 
To the heart not things,
Capture life’s bliss
With the heart not the eyes.
Beauty may yet be found 
In quiet places
Dark moments 
And in simple things.
(c) Omoehi Ehixojie 

Journey Through Life

As I travel through life 
I have learned to see 
Beauty in the 
Imperfection of humanity 
Wisdom in nature
Contentment in things
Progression of time
Empathy in wildlife 
Message in silence
Strength in solitude 
Hope in darkness.

(c) Omoehi Ehixojie 

Strange Soul

I was born with a strange soul
Always searching for the 
Missing pieces of myself 
Lost to time, in everyone I met
In everywhere I went
And at all times. 
I was searching for people 
Like me too strange for this world
Home far beyond reach
Dreams too deep for reality.
(c) Omoehi Ehixojie